The show, which aired Wednesday, Oct. 13, "Gabby Petito: ID Special Report" suggested the missing 22-year-old Laundrie of North Port, Florida in Sarasota County, may have taken advantage of the immigration confusions at the southern border to cross into Mexico.
On Thursday, Oct. 14, Laundrie Family attorney Steve Bertolino, came out swinging saying to Fox New Digital, saying: "Dusty relics like that Dog and John Walsh need a tragic situation like this so they can clear the cobwebs off their names and give their publicity-hungry egos some food."
Walsh declined to comment on the statement, but Dog was quick to reply with: "It’s ironic that Mr. Bertolino would criticize the people trying to find Brian Laundrie unless perhaps he doesn’t want him to be found," he said to Fox News.
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The mysterious Laundried has been missing since mid-September when his parents said he went on a hike in a nature reserve near their home.
He is a person of interest in Petito’s homicide. The 22-year-old woman, who was from Blue Point in Suffolk County, went missing while traveling across the country in her van with Laundrie.
Her remains were found on Sunday, Sept. 19, in a Wyoming national park.
The Teton County coroner ruled that Petito's death was caused by strangulation.
On Friday, Oct. 15, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies resumed their search of the reserve with cadaver dogs.
The FBI is asking people with information or sightings of Laundrie, to call the agency at 1-800-CALL FBI.
This continues to be a developing story. Check back to Daily Voice for updates.
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